(868) 662-2002 Ext. 82113


The University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago


A FAO-GEF Funded Project

Who we are


Strategies, technologies, and social solutions to manage bycatch in tropical Large Marine Ecosystem Fisheries (REBYC-III CLME+).

The objective of the four-year REBYC-III CLME+ project, with Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund financing of US$5,329,452.00 is to manage bycatch and reduce discards in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) thereby promoting sustainable and responsible fisheries that provide economic opportunities while ensuring the conservation of marine living resources, and in doing so support country implementation of the CLME+ SAP (particularly Strategies 2, 3 and 5). The participating countries are Barbados, Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, which are all highly dependent on the fisheries resources for their socio-economic development.

However, many of the region’s target fish stocks are suffering from over exploitation, and some of these fisheries produce high levels of incidental catch of non-target organisms (bycatch) including Endangered, Threatened and Protected species (ETP) such as marine turtles, marine mammals, sharks and rays and associated high levels of discards. In addition, abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) negatively impacts the environment through “ghost fishing.”

The major barriers to wider adoption and implementation of  EAF management in these fisheries that the project seeks to address are:



Limited availability and awareness of selective fishing approaches and technologies to address bycatch and discards and other damage to the marine environment;



Insufficient governance and management addressing bycatch with limited control, compliance and enforcement of current rules governing bycatch and discards;



Lack of incentives and sufficient opportunities to encourage adoption of bycatch and ALDFG management measures;



lack of knowledge and availability of information on threats posed by bycatch and to promote adoption of effective solutions to manage bycatch, reduce discards and address ALDFG.

The Project's  Implementing Agency

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is the project’s implementing agency and it is executed by the University of the West Indies (UWI), Faculty of Food and Agriculture (FFA). The fisheries authorities in the four participating countries act as the national executing partners and focal points for national level activities, in close collaboration with the national fisherfolk organizations as well as other fisheries-related stakeholders. At the regional level, the project will work in close collaboration and coordination with regional fishery bodies, including Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) and Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), to advance the development and adoption of harmonized measures for management of bycatch, reduction of discards and addressing ALDFG in the target and other fisheries of the region

What we Do
The project consists of  four components and six outcomes:

Component 1

Outcome 1.1
Approaches and tools to manage bycatch and reduce discards widely adopted in target trawl and non-trawl CLME+ fisheries.

Component 1

Outcome 1.2
Effective mitigation measures to reduce adverse fisheries impacts on Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species implemented in CLME+ target fisheries.

Component 1

Outcome 1.3
Specific measures and technologies to address ALDFG developed and adopted and other measures to address adverse impacts of fishing gears on marine benthic habitats promoted.

Component 2

Outcome 2.1
Improved policy and legal/regulatory frameworks to manage bycatch and reduce discards and address ALDFG in target countries.

Component 2

Outcome 2.2
Marine fisheries management frameworks in participating countries improved for more effective bycatch management, discards reduction and to address ALDFG.

Component 2

Outcome 2.3
Monitoring and compliance with new measures for managing bycatch, reducing discards and addressing ALDFG in fishing fleets within target CLME+ fisheries strengthened.

Component 3

Outcome 3.1
Incentives, strategies and measures to support behavioural change of stakeholders towards more responsible fishing practices developed and widely available in target CLME+ fisheries (focused on management of bycatch, reduction of discards and addressing ALDFG).

Component 4

Outcome 4.1
Knowledge of measures, options and incentives for effective bycatch management, discards reduction and to address ALDFG to improve sustainability of fisheries increased among key stakeholder groups (individual fishers, fishing industry and fish-buying public).

Component 4

Outcome 4.2
Effective gender-responsive project implementation based on adaptive management.
Outcome 4.1
Knowledge of measures, options and incentives for effective bycatch management, discards reduction and to address ALDFG to improve sustainability of fisheries increased among key stakeholder groups (individual fishers, fishing industry and fish-buying public).
Outcome 4.2
Effective gender-responsive project implementation based on adaptive management.
The longer-term global environmental goal

The longer-term global environmental goal to which the project seeks to contribute is a “healthy, resilient CLME+ region with threats to the marine environment minimized, biodiversity protected and utilized sustainably contributing to the region’s ‘blue economy’, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets and other international goals, and the implementation of the CLME+ SAP”.

GEF-7 Core indicator 8

(Globally over-exploited marine fisheries moved to more sustainable levels) through the increased through the increased adoption and implementation of measures to address bycatch, discards and ALDFG in the CLME+ region with an estimated catch reduction of 37,418 tons (-25% based on current baseline data);

GEF Core indicator 5

(Area of marine habitat under improved practices) covering approximately 5,299,500 hectares within the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of the target countries;

GEF Core indicator 7

(Number of shared water ecosystems under new or improved cooperative management) contributing to two LMEs, the combined CLME and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NBSLME) system.
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© 2019 Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.